Make embedded videos in Blogger and WordPress responsive to screens

Now you can easily make embedded videos from YouTube compatible in your Blogger or WordPress blog without having to control the video size.

Make embedded videos in Blogger and WordPress responsive to screens

When it comes to creating websites or blogs, the ability to make embedded videos responsive to different screen sizes becomes essential to provide a smooth and flexible user experience.

In this digital age that tends to favor video content, using sites like Blogger and WordPress means that you have to ensure that the videos you publish work perfectly on various devices and screen sizes.

Responsive videos have the ability to adapt to screen size and customization to provide an optimal viewing experience for users, whether they are viewing the site on smartphones, tablets, or PCs. Achieving this flexibility requires the use of advanced technologies and continuous updating to match technology developments and user behaviors.

This article will explore how to make embedded videos responsive in the popular blogging platforms Blogger and WordPress. We'll take a look at the tools and techniques used to achieve this goal and provide some practical tips for developers and bloggers to improve the video viewing experience on their sites.

Let's head out on a journey of discovery to discover how we can make embedded videos in Blogger and WordPress better adapt to the diverse world of screen sizes. In this lesson, we will explain how to add or integrate YouTube videos on your Blogger and WordPress blog, and how to make them compatible and responsive with screen design... An estimated one billion hours of video are watched online every day.

This means that videos are a popular and highly effective way to communicate with a large number of potential customers. When combined with WordPress or Blogger, YouTube videos are an easy way to target your site visitors. For example, a landing page that includes a YouTube video can benefit from increased user experience and, more importantly, benefit from increased engagement percentages. Additionally, higher search engine rankings are more likely to occur since search engines often prioritize videos. In this post, we'll find out how to insert YouTube videos on WordPress and Blogger and we'll also see some plugins to get the job done!

Benefits of properly embedded video

Using videos in your blog on Blogger and WordPress can have a huge impact on the appeal of your content and the engagement of your readers. With the increased use of mobile devices and varying screen sizes, providing a satisfying experience across all devices becomes crucial. So, the videos embedded in your blog should be responsive to screens. Responsive design techniques are the key to success in this context. When you embed a video in your blog, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • Screen Fit: Make sure your videos fit well on different screen sizes and shapes. You can do this using responsive CSS techniques or use the video controls available in the Blogger and WordPress platforms.
  • Width control: You should have control over the width of the video so that the reader can adjust it according to their personal preferences. On/off and volume control buttons can be essential to ensure a smooth experience.
  • Fast loading: You should care about the loading speed of videos, especially when accessing from mobile devices. This can be achieved by reducing the video size and using caching techniques.
  • Cross-browser compatibility: Make sure your videos play compatible with a variety of browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and more.

Using these tips, you can make your blog videos respond effectively to screens, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable experience for your readers on all devices. Invest in quality and experience, and you'll reap the results you deserve.

How to integrate WordPress with YouTube

Most of the time, we copy the code from the video posts and paste the code into the post. This is a grave mistake, because the majority of visitors view the sites via phone, and this method of including videos does not make them compatible with phones, and Naturally the visitor will exit the article. So, I will leave you with an add-on that you can activate on your WordPress site, and it will make all the trouble easier for you. You can watch how to use this add-on in the video explanation below this article. The link to download the add-on is here.

Embed Blogger videos with Youtube

As for Blogger, the matter is completely different. You must add some codes carefully and use one code every time you want to include a video in each article. Follow the explanation. It is very simple and in the end, you will thank me. We go to the blog template and search for this code:


We put this code above it without changing anything, then save:

/*------start youtube responsive*/ .video-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; padding-top: 30px; height: 0; overflow: hidden; } .video-container iframe, .video-container object, .video-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .entry-content img, .entry-content iframe, .entry-content object, .entry-content embed { max-width: 100%;} /*------end youtube responsive*/

After that, in every article you want to share a specific video on, you must apply the following: In a new post, after choosing the appropriate location for the video, go to the HTML of the article or topic and add this code:

Video sharing link

In the place of (link to watch the video), put the link to the video that is found in the posts on YouTube.

In conclusion

Building your own website is an exciting and stressful process at the same time, it requires a lot of thought and planning to ensure an excellent user experience for every visitor. One of the key factors in improving user experience is making embedded videos responsive to different screens. In our rapidly changing digital world, the importance of responsiveness in website design cannot be ignored. Mobile devices and tablets are becoming an essential part of people's lives, so ensuring that videos appear correctly and play smoothly on various devices is crucial. When you embed videos into your Blogger or WordPress blog, you need to make sure that they are responsive. This means that the video should automatically adapt to different screen sizes so that visitors can watch it clearly and without any problems whether they are using desktop computers, smartphones, or tablets. It is also essential to choose the right video formats that support responsiveness, such as HTML5, as they can adapt to a variety of devices and browsers easily. In short, the videos embedded in your blog should be responsive to screens to ensure a seamless user experience for every visitor. Use appropriate formats and be sure to test the site on various devices to make sure everything works as it should.